Dr. Ir. H. Mas Wigrantoro Roes Setiyadi, SE., S.Kom., M.Si., MPP., IPU., CMA., CPM reached a significant milestone by obtaining his Doctoral degree in Economics from Trisakti University. He successfully defended his dissertation on “Analysis of Commodity Balance Policy in Controlling the Import and Export of Iron and Steel Commodities” in front of a panel of examiners. The dissertation focused on the challenges and impacts of implementing the Commodity Balance Policy in the iron and steel industry in Indonesia.
Dr. Mas Wigrantoro has a diverse educational background, having completed postgraduate studies in Public Policy and Governance. He currently serves as a Postgraduate Lecturer and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Prof. Dr. Moestopo University. His professional experience includes leadership roles in companies like PT. Sucofindo, PT. Krakatau Steel Tbk., and PT. Bakrie Group subsidiaries.
His research findings emphasize the need for policy reform to address the complexities and uncertainties in the implementation of the Commodity Balance Policy. The study recommends incremental policy enhancements, the inclusion of all commodities in the balance policy, and selective trade protection policies for strategic commodities like iron and steel. These recommendations aim to enhance the competitiveness of the iron and steel industry in Indonesia.
During his speech, Dr. Mas Wigrantoro expressed gratitude to his mentors, colleagues, and family for their support throughout his academic journey. The ceremony concluded with well-wishes from media personalities and fellow academics, highlighting the importance of Dr. Wigrantoro’s research for the benefit of Indonesia.